Misty & Stormy Breyer Horses are united in this boxed book set along with the book that gave them their claim to fame. Since the publication of Misty of Chincoteague in 1947, Misty has become one of the most beloved equestrian in children's literature. Henry's novel weaves historical fact and creative imagination into a story about the origin of the breed and an exciting tale about children?s love for horses.Ages 8 and up.By Breyer
Breyer Horse Misty & Stormy Book Set
As a wild and free spirit, Brighty the burro in Brighty of the Grand Canyon will not be tamed with limps and ties. Some admiration and a warm stack of pancakes go a long way in strengthening his friendship with a local prospector. With nothing to worry about but his next meal and the change of the seasons, Brighty lives a life of luxury in the canyon, his kingdom. However, when the prospector vanishes, Brighty's world is turned upside down and he risks his freedom and his life to let justice prevail. Breyer Horse has captured the beauty and devotion in Brighty of the Grand Canyon with a detailed Brightly and a wonderfully written book by Margueite Henry.Ages 8 and up.By Breyer
Breyer Horse Brighty of the Grand Canyon Book Set
Left to tend to the family trading post in his father's absence, Peter Lundy acquired and Indian pony with Medicine Hat pinto markings, believed by many Native American tribes to give horses the power to protect their riders from harm. After forming a quick connection with the colt he calls San Domingo, Peter is certain that the two of them will never part. However, Peter's father, Jethro Lundy trades San Domingo for a more experienced Thoroughbred. Devastated by his father's actions, Peter leaves home in search of a way to fill the void and earn his father's respect, but will he ever see San Domingo again? Breyer Horse has captured the essence of devotion in Medicine Hat Stallion with a detailed San Domingo and a wonderfully written book by Margueite Henry. Ages 8 and up.By Breyer
Breyer Horse San Domingo Book Set
In Anna Sewell's Black Beauty, a clever and mature horse recalls the joys and difficulty of his life as a riding and carriage horse in London. Breyer Black Beauty Model & Book Set is from the popular equine character which has been in Breyer's Traditional Series line since 1979. Black Beauty was released as a new mold for 2008, and now Black Beauty is part of the Young Readers Series and comes with a paperback version of Anna Sewell's novel. Ages 8 and up.By Breyer
Breyer Black Beauty Model & Book Set